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At Beecroft Garden we aim to give our children the life skills that will enable them to realise their maximum potential, contribute to and flourish in the society and world they live in. Society is becoming increasingly reliant on humans being comfortable with the use and understanding of computers. We aim to equip children with the skills and knowledge to be able to achieve this. Many of the jobs of today will not exist in the future and likewise jobs that don’t exist now will be using computing skills that today’s children need preparing for.  Using teach computing, children will study a computing unit every half term, providing a progressive curriculum building on previous learning. Children have access to a wide range of hardware and software, wherever possible being ‘hands-on’. They will support and incorporate other areas of the curriculum, particularly Science, Design and Technology and Maths. At Beecroft we ensure computing is embedded in our whole school curriculum and that opportunities for enhancing learning by using technology are always taken and year group sets of Chrome  books in KS2 support this. 

Alongside all the positive and empowering aspects of computing there are potentially dangerous and life-threatening consequences that can come from the misuse of digital technologies. A child can be exposed to illegal, disturbing and abusive messages or images. They may be unaware who they are communicating with. We will teach E-safety so that children will be mindful of their own actions and be respectful, safe and healthy. Our online safety will support other areas of the curriculum such as Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education.

Throughout our curriculum:

  • Children will learn to use hardware such as laptops, Chromebooks and ipads to support the curriculum.
  • Children will create media such as animations, paintings, music and webpages, with purposeful outcomes linked across the curriculum.
  • Children will use and understand key computing vocabulary.
  • Children will learn about and be aware of the importance of online safety through lessons every half term and opportunities throughout the year such as an anti-bullying week. We will use the 8 areas of e-safety identified in Project Evolve.
  • Children will learn how to program using computer language such as scratch or logo
  • Children will learn to organise and manipulate data.

What will the children experience during their time at Beecroft?  

  • Children will enjoy their computing lessons and be enthused.
  • Children will become independent learners taking their skills and using the technology in the school in other areas of the curriculum.
  • Children will be able to apply what they have learned at school in other settings such as at home or code club.
  • Children will be able to independently access the school hardware if they think it might help them.

Computing curriculum statement

Computing coverage 

Online safety coverage

 Digital literacy 

Our Beecroft Garden vision is to be a technological innovative school where learning is supported and enhanced by the use of Google Chromes books in KS2 classes. 

Digital Literacy is versatile, and can be used in a cross curricular way in every subject as a supportive resource or teaching computing skills discreetly. This allows increased independence amongst children so they can take ownership of their own learning. Children’s work can be shared and celebrated on an online platform so parents and carers can see what is going on in the classroom from home. Children will learn a range of computing skills to allow them to excel in a fast paced technological world and become leaders in technology industries in the future.