At Beecroft Garden we are excited to be developing a new generation of readers and writers.
At Beecroft, we aim to give all children opportunities to develop as readers and writers, providing them with essential skills to allow them to communicate effectively through speaking and writing.
At Beecroft we follow a ‘Talk for Writing’ approach, to teach children how to become effective writers for a range of audiences and purposes. This is a systematic approach which follows three stages: Imitate, Innovate and Independent Application. Throughout this process, children are given opportunities to internalise model texts as well as explore them by reading as a reader and writer, co-constructing writing toolkits of skills they can use in their own writing. Following this, they imitate language patterns and structures through short burst writing activities.
Throughout our curriculum:
- Children are exposed to a wide range of rich vocabulary, gaining confidence in become articulate speakers
- Opportunities are given to internalise a wide range of story structures and text types
- Children are exposed to a wide range of texts to analyse how authors write effectively and ‘magpie’ ideas
- Exploring texts through drama
- Children become expert writers in a number of genres. They are authors and advertisers, journalists and campaigners, poets and story-makers
Children will experience
- Opportunities to share their learning regularly across within and to a wider audience e.g. Published work
- Participate in a range of high quality visits and workshops e.g. author visits/workshops
Full writing curriculum statement
At Beecroft Garden all children develop a lifelong love of reading. We inspire children to become confident readers through a diverse and rich reading curriculum exposing children to a wide range of challenging and diverse texts, which enable children to see themselves represented in what they read. Throughout their time at Beecroft Garden, children will become skilled and confident word readers and acquire a wide range of vocabulary that allows them to read easily, fluently and demonstrate a secure understanding of what they read. We believe reading is an essential life skill for both acquiring knowledge and reading for pleasure.
Reading comprehension is taught through opportunities to develop fluency as well as opportunities for rich discussion, analysing text and an author’s intent. Alongside this, children
Throughout our curriculum:- Children experience a range of high quality texts as part of our reading spine
- Are read to regularly
- Access a high quality early reading scheme via Little Wandle.
- Are taught a range of comprehension strategies to support them in the understanding of a text, using VIPERS (vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval and summarising).
- Children are given regular opportunities for rich discussion, both about their enjoyment of a text and also authorial skills and intent.
Children will experience
- A well-stocked library and up-to date book corners with relevant texts reflecting our community
- Regular visits from authors
Key information