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GSO Test


At Beecroft, we strive to inspire curiosity and fascination about the world and its people.  Pupils’ substantive and disciplinary knowledge is built upon year on year in carefully sequenced steps. Children are provided with opportunities to recognise ‘place’ as a physical area that can be found on map, has a name and can have a personal meaning or attachment. Children go on an in-depth journey of discovering their local environment, branching outwards towards the rest of the United Kingdom and then on to discover a variety of diverse global locations thoughtfully chosen to challenge stereotypes and explore range of fascinating physical and human features that our world homes.

With the world changing dramatically, both socially and environmentally, we believe that now, more than ever, children must the able to explain and question the world around them. Sustainable Develop Goals underpin much of our primary curriculum and through this subject, we believe that by instilling powerful knowledge through: making observations; collecting and analysing data; and describing findings about environment around them, children will be able to debate, challenge and discuss the ever-changing environment around them.

Children are taught that sustainability is key in looking after our planet and explore the everyday dimensions of our lives that raise deep geographical concerns- through their negative effect on lives and environments. Children have opportunities to consider their role as global citizens in influencing change and demonstrate this to their wider community.

 Throughout our curriculum:

  • Children interpret a range of sources and geographical data including, interactive mapping through Digimaps
  • Children regularly decode information on maps as well as constructing maps, route finding, interpreting information and drawing conclusions
  • Children are provided with lots of opportunities to ask the critical why questions and to think like geographers.
  • Each year, children explore a range of topics though an in-depth case study of a selected place which provides opportunities to make connections and comparisons; to develop cultural awareness and recognise cultural diversity, over-coming stereotypes and developing deeper understanding of place.
  • Children learn about globally significant places (terrestrial and marine) and their human and physical characteristics (exploring actions and processes).
  • Children are provided with opportunities to collect, analyse and communicate data from fieldwork, further embedding the learning taking place in the classroom

What will the children experience during their time at Beecroft?

  • Geography is looked at through a global lens. Children engage with world events and engage with multiple perspectives to apply their learning to real world contexts.
  • Children complete a variety of cross-curricular based projects exploring the worlds interconnected problems through a whole school climate project
  • Throughout carefully selected industry trackers, experts visit the pupils to discuss their roles within this limitless profession.
  • Children partake in local, national and global events, raising the awareness of geographical issues and have opportunities to deliver their learning to parents, visitors and their local community.

Full curriculum statement

Geography coverage 

Geography progression map