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History at Beecroft Garden

History Vision

 At Beecroft Primary School, children are HISTORIANS!  Our children are archivists, museum curators, archaeologists or research analysts. Through the teaching of History, we stimulate all children’s interest and understanding about the life of people who lived in the past. Children develop awareness of the actions of important people and the importance of significant events in British history, whilst appreciating how things have changed over time.

By allowing the children to understand the importance and enjoyment of History through different opportunities, they will become enthused learners in History. They are taught to be curious, investigative and to use their historical knowledge in order to answer wider questions about the world in a variety of different ways – through writing, drama, art and many other mediums. Key themes such as migration and peace and conflict and  have been identified to link leaning across different topics.

Throughout our history curriculum:

  • We link history knowledge, skills and understanding under identified core themes. Four in KS1 moving to six in KS2
  • Children will learn about history in a variety of stimulating ways: human time lines, role play, outside learning. 
  • Children have opportunities to develop their skills of enquiry, investigation, analysis.
  • Children learn to compare civilisations to each other, identifying similarities and differences
  • Children progress through learning, gaining a wider perspective as they move through year groups, starting with personal history into the wider world looking at impacts and influences.
  • Children use their historical knowledge to engage in debate, presenting contrasting points of view and using evidence effectively to do so.

What will the children experience during their time at Beecroft?

  • Children experience learning as real life historians undertaking historical enquiry and investigation to analyse and think critically
  • A range of artefacts and experiences to stimulate curiosity, generate questions
  • Opportunities to produce outcomes which show their learning in a range of ways: films, interviews.
  • A curriculum which encompasses a range of diverse stories and experiences, challenging stereotyping and providing a broad and balanced basis for knowledge

Full curriculum statement

History coverage

Knowledge organisers