What are they?
A Knowledge Organiser is a single page document that lists the important facts that children should know by the end of a topic. It is the minimum that needs to be known, rehearsed and stored over time in the long term memory. They should be viewed as the starting point for the topic being learnt. Over the course of the topic the children will learn at a deeper and wider level.
For more information on how you how we use knowledge organisers please click here
Autumn Knowledge Organisers: Science
Y1 Seasonal change & Everyday Materials & Enquiry skills
Y3 Rocks and soils & Magnets & Forces & Enquiry skills
Y4 Sound & Electricity & Enquiry skills
Y5 Living things & Changes to materials & Enquiry skills
Y6 living things & Evolution & Enquiry skills
Autumn Knowledge Organisers: History & Geography
Y1 Mapping the local area & Changes to our high street
Y2 Mae Jemison & Mapping continents and oceans
Y3 Stone age to iron age & Lewisham's green spaces
Y5 Time zones & The Anglo Saxons & The Vikings
y6 Caribbean islands & The history of the anti-racist movement in Lewisham
Spring Knowledge Organisers: Science
Y1: Animals including humans (Humans)
Y3: Plants & Humans and other animals
Y4: States of matter & Animals including humans
Y5: Earth and Space & Animals including humans
Y6: How we see / light & Humans
Spring Knowledge Organisers: History & Geography
Y1: Where does our food come from?
Y2: We are Brockley: local area mapping
Y4: Earthquake, volcanoes and hurricanes & The Roman Empire in London
Y6: Air pollution fieldwork study
Summer knowledge organisers: Science
Y1: Animals including humans (animals) & Plants
Y2: Plants & Living things and their habitats
Y6: Electricity
Summer knowledge organisers: History & Geography
Y1: The United Kingdom & Toys we had
Y2: Kenya & The Great Fire of London
y4: Brazil and the Amazon Rainforest & the Anglo Saxons
Y6: The Golden Age of Islam
Full set of English grammar knowledge organisers