School Meals and Trips
School Meals
School meals are currently free due to the Mayor of London's Free School Meals initiative.
However, if you think your child may be entitled to free school meals please call pupil support on 02083146221. They can check instantly if your child is entitled to free school meals. You’ll need to give them your name, date of birth and national insurance number. The school receives Pupil Premium funding for children who are in receipt of free school meals.
Children are expected to stick to one meal type each half term. Children are only allowed to swap meal types at the beginning of a half term.
Please inform the office if your child chooses to swap meal types at the beginning of a half term.
School trip and school music lesson money
Please make sure all money is paid via ParentPay.
We are a cash-free school, so all payments for clubs, donations towards trips, etc need to be paid via ParentPay. Please contact our admin team for help in setting up an account.